midir 0.5.0

A cross-platform, realtime MIDI processing library, inspired by RtMidi.

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Cross-platform, realtime MIDI processing in Rust.


midir is inspired by RtMidi and supports the same features*, including virtual ports (except on Windows) and full SysEx support – but with a rust-y API!

* With the exception of message queues, but these can be implemented on top of callbacks using e.g. Rust's channels.

midir currently supports the following platforms/backends:

  • ALSA (Linux)
  • WinMM (Windows)
  • CoreMIDI (macOS, iOS (untested))
  • Jack (Linux, macOS), use the jack feature

A higher-level API for parsing and assembling MIDI messages might be added in the future.

Documentation & Example

API docs can be found at docs.rs. You can find some examples in the examples directory. Or simply run cargo run --example test_play after cloning this repository.